Leaders in Training (LiTs)
What is a Leader in Training? Someone who is in Y9 or older and wants to start the process towards becoming a leader at kids camp, but at the current time is not at the right age or stage to lead. LiT's do a lot of 'behind the scenes' work that support the overall running of kids camp, while still being involved with campers and the camp program. For more information, see leadership pathway document below.
Senior Autumn Camp 2025 - Sunday 13th April 3:30pm - Thursday 17th April 7pm
Cost is $80
LiTs stay overnight even though the rego form says Day only as the form covers Campers and LiTs - Sorry if this makes it confusing, LiTs definitely stay overnight
Junior Autumn Camp 2025 - Tuesday 22nd April 3:30pm - Thursday 24th April 7pm
Cost is $60
LiTs stay overnight even though the rego form says Day only as the form covers Campers and LiTs - Sorry if this makes it confusing, LiTs definitely stay overnight
Whats next? So if you are in Y9 or older and keen to help out behind the scenes at camp while learning more about what it means to be a leader, then apply now! The role will include doing everything from running games, doing dishes, movie editing and working alongside leaders in their cabins. If you want to find out more information then contact us by phone (542 3368) otherwise complete the application by clicking the button on the left.
As the program is becoming increasingly popular, completing the application does not guarantee you spot on either camp. But we will consider all applications and get back to you asap about whether you are accepted.
Kids Camp Leader
What is a leaders role - It is an exciting, memorable, sometimes challenging but hugely rewarding experience! For a typical camp you and another leader will be given a cabin of about 6 awesome kids to look after for the week! or about 10 awesome kids if it is a Day camp. Your job from then on is to get to know them, hang out with them, and be their friend. When you sign up to lead at camp you are committing to camp for the whole week, if you need to be offsite for any reason please let us know asap. For more information, see leadership pathway document below
Who can be a leader? If you're 15 or older, have a church or youth leader who can vouch for you being a positive role model and you want to be a part of something bigger than yourself these school holidays then fill out the application form now, link is below - you won't regret it!
Senior Autumn Camp 2025 - Sunday 13th April 3:30pm - Thursday 17th April 7pm
Junior Autumn Camp 2025 - Tuesday 22nd April 3:30pm - Thursday 24th April 7pm
To ensure camp runs a high quality program, and because the program is becoming increasingly popular we have had to adjust the application process for leaders. We will consider all applications and camper numbers and get back to you asap regarding your acceptance.